Well that was a hoot. Christmas is all over now. Thanks to all who helped us to spoil Sophie with presents. She got all sorts of things ... check out the rocking horse and the maraccas. She's also already a big fan of Christmas dinners. Lottie didn't do too bad either; it's amazing the shapes you can fashion from pig skin.
Only 1 more day until Crimbo and I think we're ready. I've broken up from work, ditched my cold, the fridge is full of food and the present pile has achieved critical mass. Sophie is oblivious to all of this; although I think she's a little puzzled why a large tree, bedecked with lights and glass spheres, has appeared in the house. She's now learnt the "work hard play hard" ethic as evidenced by the two pics.
Sophie is finally getting over her cold and is getting back to her old (sic) self. This little trio of photos shows you she's not prepared to sit around waiting to pose for photos. She's become increasingly fascinated by the growing pile of Christmas presents.
We've been out and bought a new camera. It's amazing how the old one looks like a brick in comparison. The new one records millions more pixels although I think Blogger filters all the images when they are uploaded.
Sophie and Jo have really stinky colds. The lady at the supermarket check-out (who breathed all over them and proudly explained how she had dragged herself into work whilst passing over the germ-besmeared receipt) is now in our little black book. I am currently mutating the germs in readiness for the Christmas period.
These are the last images taken with the camera before it went for a Burton (for those from outside the U.K. this means it gave up the ghost). The pics were taken in Manchester last week and show Sophie with her Grandad Blair and her cousins Ashley and Cool Socks Luke. She's wearing a cardigan made by her mum (and designed in Microsoft Excel). This was Sophie's fifth trip to England.