Friday, November 30, 2007
I'm taking a long weekend this week (... worked too many weekends of late). The weather is very grey and drizzly in NL at the moment. Yesterday, myself and Lottie enjoyed a walk on a very cold and deserted beach. This morning's fun took place in a children's play barn near Delft (see video). Only a week until Sophie goes into hospital so we're trying to pack it in. Not much to report here. Lottie had a run-in with the neighbour's Beagle the other day. Since they moved in they've both strained at the leash to rip each other's little throats out, with Lottie usually being the main aggressor. However, the other day the Beagle ran out of its house and the two of them had a fight. I wasn't there but Jo tells me that Lottie is not a good fighter ... in fact she squeeled like a pig. It's a bit embarrassing that our dog is so weedy, particularly as she's all mouth and trousers when it comes to kicking off.