Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Thanks for the lovely dress Nana!

Hip update

We haven't really posted much about Sophie's hip since we moved to Norway. She has seen a specialist here and had a CT scan (she was very brave and lay perfectly still). The upshot is that the brace she is wearing is not doing the job it was intended for. She is going to need further surgery. This time she will have some pretty major hip reconstruction of both the pelvis and femur. So, the date for this operation is set for 18th November and it will be done in Bergen Hospital. Afterwards Sophie will go into a plaster cast (as before) for 6 weeks until the end of the year. She has been a very brave little girl and hopefully this will put an end to it.

Big bed

Sophie has now migrated from her cot to a new bed which she thinks is great.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sophie's photos

Sophie has recently become a keen photographer. Here's one of Beastly she took earlier today.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Terrace and the Guest Room

Our New Home

Here are a few more pictures of the front and back living rooms, the kitchen/dining room and the dog kitchen, the play room and Sophie's story spot on the landing.

Temporary Accomodation

Our first place here was a down-at-heel flat in Tananger, which was up a huge hill and four flights of concrete stairs (no lift). It did have a great view though.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sophie's Playroom

We are finally back in business. Lots more pics to come...