Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Where's The Other One?

When we moved to Norway we splashed out on 3 goldfish; Fishy, Bubbles and The Other One. When we got back from Mallorca The Other One was not in the tank. No sign of him. It's a bit of a mystery. Do you agree that Fishy and Bubbles are looking rather sinister in this picture?


Jo has chosen some very cute pictures of Sophie in the holiday posts she did yesterday. However, I like this one of her in her full swimming kit including goggles (which she wore more or less continuously for the first couple of days).

Monday, July 27, 2009

More Mallorca pics


We had a great two weeks in Mallorca. Here's a picture of Sophie swimming, which is how she spent most of her time.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Back in two weeks time

Bet you wish you had a Charlie and Lola diorama.

The Beast can stand on one leg ...

... when the aroma of haggis wafts down from above. Lottie is now in the kennels because tomorrow we are off to Mallorca for a couple of weeks. It'll be Sophie's first taste of a (hopefully) sunny Mediterranean holiday and she's very excited about getting her swimming goggles. Her sticker chart is missing only one sticker and she even tried peanut butter tonight to advance the cause.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Waiting for mum to come home

Jo has been back to the UK this weekend and she comes home tonight. Sophie and myself are anticipating presents. I'm keen on receiving a pork pie and Sophie is holding out for some stickers (... ideally brown circles) to decorate her car seat.

Here we are just hanging (or swinging) around.

Here's Sophie being a bit bossy (... it can happen) and practising a fake cough for when she doesn't feel like going to school.


Today has been the first cloudy day in this part of Norway for many weeks. We took a trip to the beach. Check out Sophie running away from the sea (... and the Norwegians bathing in it).


Recently Sophie has taken an interest in words and likes to scribble words (whilst asking "Is it a long or a short word?") whenever she gets the opportunity. Here she has rearranged the letters on her bedroom door into two words ("Sophie" and "Dr Daddy"). Interestingly, she can rearrange them back to "Sophie" afterwards.