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Just to wrap up the holiday entries for now here's a pic of Sophie taking part in her first Easter egg hunt. This photo had to be fixed beacuse the colours were all wrong and it was overexposed. Apparently our camera was set up wrong but we managed to find a techo whizz to fix it for us (... thanks Mike). It's tempting to unload the entire contents of the camera on you but hopefully the previous posts give a flavour of our trip to Scotland. Other highlights included meeting a deer called Krusty face-to-face (do deer have faces?), watching a show-off peacock spread its tail feathers and pointing at sheep. Tomorrow I go back to work and Beastly comes home. Don't holidays pass quickly.
Now, was she actually allowed to eat the Easter egg Mum?! Looks like you all had a good time, and have returned to the sub-tropics of the Hague just in time lol! See you all soon x
In fact she unpeeled it, tried it and didn't like it. It ended up on the floor. Some of the other kids had stomach aches from eating too much chocolate though.
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