Monday, July 23, 2007

Cuddles and Tickles

Sophie's cousins Michael (7) and Gemma (3) came to stay at the weekend, accompanied by their Mum and Dad (Peter and Dee). Sophie enjoyed lots of cuddles from Gemma and a good deal of tickling from Micheal, who also produced some some great LEGO constructions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Simon,Jo and Sophie

Thank you for a very lovely weekend.We had a really nice time.The pictures look great.Sophie is very muched missed by Michael and Gemma!Michael is still hopefull that he might get a swap for Gemma much to Gemma's horror!Hope to get a date together soon.Any ideas of dates let us know.

Thanks again
All our love
Pete,Dee,Michael and Gemma
P.S Hope Sophie is feeling better.