Sunday, January 18, 2009

The best day Lottie ever had

This weekend we went to stay in one of our company cottages on a tiny island called Børøy. I've never seen Lottie, who is by nature a disconsolate creature, so happy. Never has a dog had as much fun in one day. She enjoyed:
  • running around in the middle of nowhere (Børøy is a small island accessed from a slightly larger island a couple of hours and a ferry ride from Stavanger) without any other dogs or people to oppress her
  • eating chicken cooked with a garlic, lemon and butter stuffing
  • going on a speedboat ride
  • rubbing in cormorant poo (enlarge photo on boat and examine neck area)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uuuuuh, nature. One of the things you (at least I) forget about while living in Doha. One thinks the word consits of houses, cars, and shopping malls ;) Glad to see the Beast is enjoying it ;) Dani