Sunday, August 27, 2006

Normal service will resume soon

After taking 2621 photographs and movies our digital camera has malfunctioned, hence the lack of postings of late. Let's face it, you don't open this blog for the text do you. We'll try to get it fixed and post up some new pics in the next few days. No real news here. Sophie grows cuter by the day. I'm amazed how well she has taken to solid food. Last night she tucked into cauliflower cheese, pumpkin and peach/pear compote (all lovingly prepared by her mom). The Beast, who is now on a diet (see earlier post), sits underneath her at feed time, anticipating fall-out.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Rolling Masterclass

drum roll ....

... cymbal!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Tub of lard

Lottie went to the vets the other day and the vet made a comment that she was getting fat. This has prompted us to put her on an immediate diet. However I think this increase is perceived. My own records show that her weight has remained static for almost a year (e.g. since she stopped growing ... she is only two). The above scientific graph illustrates this. So what do you think? Should we skinny her up a bit or let her continue on her current weight of 9.1 kg?

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Back in Den Haag

We've just had two consecutive weekends in the U.K. (Manchester - Simon and Dawn's wedding; Birmingham - Auntie Gertie's 90th birthday). Staying in hotels is really difficult with a little one. The Hyatt in Brum might be posh but the pool is too cold for babies. Anyway, enough moaning; we're back now and enjoying a chilled out weekend in Den Haag, going to the beach, cooking, eating and watching TV. Beastly survived her 12 night stretch in the kennels but now suffers with separation anxiety every time Jo or myself leave the room (we're too soft with that dog).

Half a year later

Sophie is 6 months old today. To mark the event she has been awarded a seat at the table, a privilige Lottie can only dream of.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Spot the Difference II

For those quiz enthusiasts out there ...
By the way, if you want to post a comment in the future you'll be asked to read and type a word to avoid all of the spam the Blog has received lately. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Sophie goes retro in a spotty pac-a-mac

Spot the Monkeys

How many monkeys took part in Sophie's celebration of monkeys?

Uncle Simon's wedding

Having a swing

and meeting the ancestors with Nana in front of the family crypt. Whooooooooo!