Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Second School Photo

Spoilt Beast

What's this? Caviar on fresh salmon? The Beast definitely got lucky in the latest fridge clear-out.

Music and parcels

Sophie takes control in a game of musical statues. It's a good job the camera wasn't pointing in the other direction. Her favourite music is currently Vampire Weekend.

Every day Sophie checks the mailbox at the end of the drive and once in a while there's a parcel with her name on it. Way to go Nana!


Matthew is learning new skills. He can roll over and his dexterity is constantly improving. He's now taking more of an interest in toys ... in a chewing kind of way. At the moment he likes those squashy books best. Unlike his sister (when she was his age) he does not have a regular daytime sleeping habit and often refuses to sleep at all (... poor mum). Here he is chilling out on the sofa.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bonfire Night

Food something that Matthew enjoys.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Swimming Progress Report

We've been doing a lot of swimming recently. It's fast becoming the highlight of Sophie's week. Her confidence in the water has grown quite a lot recently, helped largely by the fact that her new swim buddy, Adam, is a good swimmer. A few weeks ago she started to put her face in the water. Then she started to enjoy jumping off the diving board (... I wish she wouldn't insist that I follow her). Now she has discarded her arm floats and can swim underwater and pick up objects from the bottom.