Wednesday, December 30, 2009

"I want to go home and play on the computer"

Nearly two weeks ago Stavanger had its biggest snowfall for 40 years and it still lies deep everywhere with no sign of melting ... the temperature here is currently nine below zero. However, Norwegian cars all have winter tyres so there's no whining about a lack of gritters. Our neighbourhood roads are all covered with a thick layer of ice so we simply slip and slide down the hill in the car everyday. Sophie tried out cross-country skiing today on borrowed skis. She enjoyed it so we'll get her a pair of her own. She's looking a bit grumpy in the sledge photo. It was taken just after she fell off and banged her nose (... hence the title of this blog entry).

Monday, December 28, 2009

Bleedin' Gums Beasters

Drum and bike

Our house is detached.

Opening presents

View of living room floor at 8.30 am.

Wow! It's reversible!

Drums, princess dress and chocolate-besmeared face ... all before breakfast.

Overwhelmed fairy.


Making mince pies ... three batches have been consumed in this house (so far) during the Christmas break.

Playing "pass the parcel" with an international committee of biased arbitrators.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Yesterday the snow arrived in Stavanger and was heralded by much larking about.

Sophie and Rob enjoying a "Mr Grimsdale" moment.

Exhuming the car.

Our normal nightime walk over the "dark, dark" paths of Sørmarka (the hill close to our house) was bit more exciting on skis. If you enlarge this pic you can make out the eyes of the Beast somewhere out there in the dark.


Sophie really likes Kathleen from Hi-5 (Australian version). For the past few days she's insisted we call her Kathleen. When I was checking the photos on my camera I found that she'd been taking photos of of her on Youtube. Kathleen looks a bit surly to me.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Letter to Santa

A snow white dress and a pink bicycle with a red ladybird bell please.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Do you know Santa's mobile number?

We put our Christmas tree up today. Sophie is starting to ask challenging questions about Father Christmas. She's worried that he might get his lists mixed up and that she might end up with a train set. She's also concerned that I don't have his mobile telephone number to check.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Concert

A video of Sophie's school Christmas concert ....